Enter for a chance to win Forza Motorsport for Xbox plus a collectible Forza racing helmet

Forza Motorsport, a flagship title from Xbox, has long been a beloved game among racing enthusiasts and gamers alike. It’s not just a game; it’s a journey into the world of professional racing, where every curve of the track and rev of the engine is meticulously recreated to provide an immersive experience. You can win the new Forza Motorsport (it launches on Oct 10, 2023) and a limited edition Forza Motorsport Bell Helmet to display near your Xbox console, prominently for all to admire. NOTE: The Forza Motorsport Bell Helmet is designed for display purposes ONLY and is not intended for actual use.

There are a lot of changes in this year’s edition: and you’ll be a better driver because of them! Our gaming editor Jon Scarr has written a detailed article explaining many of the changes in this edition of the game. He also discusses the choices he made while playing the game so you learn one strategy that you can build on. And learning is the operative term here. As Jon explains, many of the game’s new features and criteria appear designed to make becoming a better race car driver one of the outcomes of playing the game. Yes you’ll have fun racing. But for most of us, learning the best strategies, learning how changes made to the engine or exhaust system affect the car’s performance and how you, as the driver, must adjust your technique after making such changes, adds a whole new level of excitement to Forza Motorsports.

You have a vast selection of cars available, but as Jon explains, the selection is streamlined compared to previous versions of the game. The old way of buying cars is gone—as is the auction house. Jon found this change great for getting a more in-depth experience with the car he chose. The more experience he had driving a particular car, the better he got in the game, and the more rewards he accrued that he could use to upgrade his racer.

From the sounds of Jon’s review, there is a learning curve to becoming a master driver in the new Forza Motorsport. However, the immersive, amazing graphics, and realistic audio will fill your senses and motivate you to accept the challenge. I’m sure this is the kind of gaming experience that elevates your appreciation for the sport itself, while filling you with genuine pleasure as your grow your skills.

After reading Jon’s review is your first reaction, “challenge accepted!” Then enter below for a chance to win a copy of Forza Motorsport to play and the unique Forza Motorsport Bell Helmet to display.

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