The bridal shower card conundrum: what to write for the bride-to-be

A bridal shower is a momentous occasion, often filled with laughter, tears, and a whole lot of love. From saucy lingerie to thoughtful fitness gifts and gifts for a new home, there is a whole range of gifts that a bride-to-be will appreciate as she begins a special new journey. But, while selecting the right bridal shower gift might be a significant part of the occasion, the words you pen down in your bridal shower card are equally impactful. Here’s a guide for what to write in a bridal shower card that will be as meaningful as the gift it accompanies.

Here are some practical tips to keep in mind as you think on what to write on a bridal shower card: 

Along with these tips, it’s also important to hit the right tone with your message and tailor it fit the type of relationship you share with the bride.

Finding the right tone for what to write in a bridal shower card can be challenging. You’ll want your message to reflect the context of your relationship with the bride. For family and friends, a sentimental message like, “So happy for you, can’t wait to be a part of your big day!” may be appropriate. For co-workers or acquaintances, a simple “Wishing you all the best on your journey towards married life” could be more fitting. 

When you’re close to the bride, your card should reflect the depth of your relationship. Consider sharing a cherished memory or perhaps a piece of advice that you think will serve her well in her marriage. A line like, “Remember, in every marriage, communication is key” can offer wisdom while keeping the tone light. 

If you’re a friend or a colleague wondering what to write in a bridal shower card, you might want to keep it simple, yet heartfelt. A message like, “So thrilled for your upcoming wedding, you’re going to make a beautiful bride!” shows excitement and positivity. To make your message even more meaningful, consider selecting a practical yet romantic wedding shower gift that suits the bride-to-be’s lifestyle and taste. 

If you’re unable to attend the wedding, your bridal shower card can be a space to express your regret and best wishes. A simple line like, “Sorry I can’t make it to your wedding, but I’m there in spirit, celebrating you from afar!” can convey your feelings genuinely. You can also send them a thoughtful wedding gift along with the card to make your presence felt.

Writing something meaningful that is short and sweet enough to fit onto a card can be quite difficult. Sometimes, it can be helpful to brainstorm ideas as you pick out the perfect gift so that both the card and the gift deliver a similar message of positivity and your love or appreciation of the bride-to-be and the new step she is taking in her life.

While finding the wedding shower gift might be a task you’re focusing on, what to write in the accompanying card is equally important. Whether you’re a close family member, a friend, or a colleague, the right words can make your card a treasured keepsake. From simple well wishes to heartfelt advice, the sentiments you express will add a personal touch to your gift and make the bridal shower an even more memorable occasion. So pick up that pen and let your feelings flow, secure in the knowledge that you’re contributing to a day of love and celebration. 

This article was drafted using AI technology and then reviewed, fact-checked, and revised by a member of our editorial team.

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